Infrastructure | Tunnel Operations

Courses available

Course further information

Welcome to Tunnel Operations Course

This course is designed for rail personel to have an awareness of harmful gases in rail tunnels and actions they can take to mitigate the risk of exposure. Personel will learn the importance of being prepared, gain confidence in using and reading gas monitors, in donning RPE and in knowing how to get out.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify hazards in Tunnels
  • Describe gasses and where they come from, and the affect they may have if exposed
  • Demonstrate participation in development of Tunnel Work Plans (TWP) - Infrastructure Personel Only
  • Demonstrate how to respond to non-normal events including fires (TARPs, Gas Monitors, Emergency Planning Management)
  • Demonstrate how to use the appropriate RPE (Gas Mask & Filter, SCSR)

PPE/PPC Requirements:

Please ensure you bring along your PPE/PPC gear for the practical components of this course


Personel undertaking practical training must have no predisposing medical conditions that could be aggravated by working in the tunnel environment e.g. asthma, respiratory infections, bronchial conditions etc.


  • Practical Module every 24 months, and
  • Theory revalidation every other year.


To be able to enrol on this course, you need to hold the following:
  • induction - Rail HSE Induction


  • 1 Day - Infrastructure and Freight operations

Contractor Tarrif: NZ$340.00 exl GST

If you have specific Tunnel Operation training  requirements and you cannot locate the relevant course listed, please contact: